Henry Morgan
About Henry Morgan Henry Morgan, even through death, is known as one of the most devastating pirates of the 17th Century. "Henry was born around 1635 as a son of the F Robert Morgan, a squire of Llanrumney in the Welsh county of Monmouth shire" (Henry Morgan Biography - Famous Pirate). He made his name by raiding Spanish towns in Central America in the 1660s. Morgan was a privateer a legal pirate who had permission from the English government to attack Spanish ships and ports when England and Spain were at war. "After the successful sacking of Portobello and a daring raid on Lake Maracaibo made him a household name on both sides of the Atlantic" (Captain Morgan and the Sack of Panama) Morgan's Greatest Raid. Morgan stayed in Jamaica on his farm until Spanish attackers convinced him to once again sail for the Spanish Main. Panamas wealth During this time, Henry Morgan's planned his attack on Panama. The attack and siege of Panama were significan...